Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Numinos Adventure.

 There's no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this one.
 The Lord has been revealing to my heart that our homeschool shouldn't look so much like public school at home.  Through prayer and study we have decided to make a few changes in our days.  We read way more books aloud (probably close to 10 a day).  Living books, books with beautiful language and lessons and art.  We also include more art and nature learning instead of viewing those simple as electives.  How can there be a more tangible environment of our God than what we find when we are in His creation?!
 I want to teach my children that life is a grand adventure filled with beauty and wonder that can be right outside our door.  It has been a great reminder to me as well.  And adventures are the best way to learn.
 We are reading through the Hobbit as our read aloud right now and it has already made us all laugh deep belly laughs as we can sometimes relate to Bilbo and his reluctance to the inconveniences of going on an exploit instead of staying home and curling up in our favorite chair to quietly sip tea and enjoy a second breakfast (at least for me that is).

 But there is an organic joy that comes out of my kids when surrounded by towering trees.
 They become more aware of their surrounding and each other because the noise of our modernized life comes to a whisper.
 And they can draw parallels to the Ingalls kids from our Little House books, when they are only allowed to go ankle deep in the creek "like Pa said". 
 They can test out courage and bravery like they learned from their history lessons on Eric Liddell or John Wesley.

 We discover physical boundaries of ourselves and the elements.

 Science is more easily grasped when we can touch and study new spring buds with our finger tips and use terms like, "Happy as summer" or "green velvet growth"
 And just for fun, we find fairy homes hidden in our trees.  Because what is reality without a little fantasy.
 Dirty, worm-slimed hands
 Shimmering iridescent blues and pinks
 Find rest in overgrown tree roots
because grubby kid hands are kind of the best.

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