Thursday, May 5, 2016

Spring School

 We have been using a very organized folder system for the kids to keep track of all of their papers.  It works slick and creates little school stations for them to work on in the mornings during quiet school.
 Even though most schools are letting out for the summer we are still plugging along and we really dont have an end date in mind.  We tend to lean more towards an all-year round school program because we like to take more frequent, yet shorter breaks all throughout the year.  It helps keep us going as I find it more difficult to get re-started after a long summer break. 
 People always ask how I get my kids to "do school" on a regular basis and honestly it's just b/c it's what we always do.  It's our day to day lifestyle and always has been.  And I believe b/c we don't take extended breaks they don't have to get back into it either.  Most days, they wake up and get to work.

 We love that homeschool allows us this flexibility- it really fits our family.

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