Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Discovery Center

 While Daddy was away we went exploring to stay busy so we wouldn't miss him quite so much.  It rained nearly everyday so we drove to the discovery center for some indoor exploration.
 They built with blocks and shoveled coal for the steam train...
 We learned about the Penny-farthing bike used in the 1800s...
 We tuned up a kid sized car...
 And learned about old style cars...
 They tried out wind tubes...
 And played house...
 There was a water works station...
 With boats and removable boulders...

 They learned about different challenges people face and how there are lots of creative ways to overcome those said challenges...
 Brielle made it through obstacles blinded with a pole Mathias made to detect them...
 There was a 2 story twisty slide they flew down multiple times...
 The farmer's market was a hit with the girls...

 Mathias enjoyed the firemen gear/truck...
 We watched turtles...
 And colored with different mediums in the creative section...

 The big kids paddled a Cherokee canoe...

 After a picnic lunch we (the rain stopped) we found a great horned owl...
 And a music garden
 with a climbing wall...

 And miles of trails along the river/wet lands...
 We watched tadpoles...
 And found water snakes...

 We searched for birds and beavers...
 When it got too hot, we headed back for one more trip to Tiny Town...

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