Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tornado Night

Tonight, while Daddy is on his way home in the airplane all of the tornado alarms  went off so into my bathroom we went.  We were told to take precautions for a couple of hours so we had books and coloring and card games to keep us busy.  The storm ended up passing with little more than blowing rains.  Praise the Lord!  And Daddy made it home just fine from his trip although they did hit quite a bit of turbulence.


She woke up early from her nap only to crawl back in my bed and sleep heavily until dinner time. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Crossfit Update

(I am in the grey tshirt on the left side)
Today I can hardly lift my arms from the 16.5 workout.  Last night I was sore, so I thought movement and working out would help.  My body, unfortunately, does not agree.  Today I am slowing down and resting.  I might need a few more days rest- I am unsure at this point.  

On a better note-
My lifts have greatly improved and I am really enjoying Crossfit overall.  It is such a great place filled with encouraging people and I have made more friends in 5 months of Crossfit than I did in 9 years in Minnesota.  I have a lot to learn still but the Open was a great way to find all of the holes in my training (mostly gymnastic type movements) and I will continue to progress.

Egg Dye

The kids donned their African aprons and had the very important work of dying and painting 12 Easter eggs this year.  I remember it taking a lot longer before.  I guess we will have to up it to 24 eggs next year!  

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Egg Hunt 2016

 Random side note: Those flowers on my porch have lasted since fall!  Even through the snow.
 We color coded the eggs so the kids could find their own eggs and little egg hoarders were limited to their finds... haha.
 The kids insisted that we hide an empty golden egg because it would remind them of the empty Jesus tomb.  I have no idea where they heard that, but we ran with it!  Mathias ended up finding it.

Family Easter Photos 2016

 Brielle of course did her "cry for the kid picture" deal this Easter.  Again.  Goober.

 At least there were smiles all around for the family pictures!

Saturday, March 26, 2016


 My first workout that I didn't have to scale and could complete RX in the entire Open.
 And it was the worst one yet. 

 Thrusters @ 65lbs
Burpees (these were terrible)
21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
As fast as you could for time with no limit on how long you could take
 Thank the Lord I had my lifting coach, Coach Roy, as my judge!
 He pushed me and yelled at me to keep moving.
 I was honestly unsure if I could finish.
 I experienced the "pain cave" for the first time and it's a deep, dark, soul crushing place I never want to visit again.
 Easily, my most difficult workout EVER.
 But, thanks to Roy pushing me through I finished 13th place in the entire gym (guys and gals)
 And I finished 30th overall for the Open.
 Not too bad considering I scaled all of my workouts except for the last one which bumps me below anyone who did any amount of RX reps for that workout.

Final time of 18:22
 My sweet friend Allie post WOD ( our gym had a big BBQ after the workout)

Half way

We are half way through our 1st week back and it’s been a whirlwind of facts, checklists, narration, a few tears, good books, chores, bible ...