Eric let me sleep in all morning and set me off to the spa for a nice long massage. After, we had a quiet dinner at home and then he told me to get ready to go but didn't tell me where. All I knew was that I had to dress nice.
We drove to a quiet and yet completely random part of town. He parked in a residential neighborhood apartment parking. As we were walking to our destination he told me that is someone asked me I had to answer with the password "billboard" quietly. Not being a fan of surprises or any clue where we were going, I kind of panicked. I didn't want to whisper a password to a stranger! Haha.
Sure enough, we arrived at a secret door with just a small opening and someone asking for a password. I gave it- somewhat reluctantly- and we were ushered into a private party room hidden behind a secret bookcase! Inside, my sister and a few of my favorite couples from Florida were waiting to surprise me. It was such a neat place with vintage cocktails and fancy menu items like duck fat French fries.
It was such a perfect way to spend my birthday after such a crazy weekend. I loved every minute and it became my favorite night in Tampa!
Plus, look at how good my husband looked! I am a lucky gal.