Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Girl's Bball take 1

 I don't think anything has brought me more laughs and enjoyment than watching our girls play basketball together.  It is complete chaos and complete entertainment.

 The rules are a bit different than regular basketball.  You can't steal the ball unless it has been lost, you have to find your matching color wrist band and that is who you guard and there are no free throw shots.  They run 4 quarters and each kid must be subbed in every 4 minutes.  They allow for minor infractions like a little bit of double dribble or traveling as the kids are still learning the game.

 Allie is really into defense.  For the first few games she played defense on both offense and defense.  Now she knows to try to get open on offense.  Haha!
 Brielle is just trying to remember her color and tends to stand around and watch the game more than play it.  It is SO funny to watch.  Love that kid!

^ ^ ^ See- Allie defending and Brielle is watching. ^ ^ ^

 I have more pictures to unload from my camera for another post.

Mathias Basketball take 3

 We have one more game this session.  Mathias is starting to come into his own and is becoming so much more athletic.  We are so proud of his hard work.  With him being so big he tends to get pushed around the court and rarely is anything ever called on him.  He gets discouraged and frustrated but he has never given up or played with less integrity.

 He has also NEVER missed a jump ball and it's been so fun to watch him grow more and more confident.

Half way

We are half way through our 1st week back and it’s been a whirlwind of facts, checklists, narration, a few tears, good books, chores, bible ...