Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Photo round up

When your way behind on the blog... 
Homestead manor for the farmer's market and lunch. 
Taking a break from worksheets to learn about consumers with Wild Kratts. 
Watching our Sunday classic movie- Calamity Jane. 
New Nature Journal bags. 
Our new school set up. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday, August 19, 2016

Assembly line

The kids have been doing chores all day due to some poor choices last night.  Now, they are making sandwiches for the freezer and watching a Veggie tales. 

End of the week. Finally.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Our Sabbath

A tea party for breakfast before church. 
The kids helped me make fruit salad, biscuits and yogurt with honey served with hot tea.
For family game night, we tried this new one I found in the Target clearance section the other week. 
It was so fun and it was adaptable for all of our kid's ages which can be challenging to find sometimes. 
And I am a happy mama b/c everyone finally took naps including me! 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Date night

Dinner, Movie and book store with this handsome guy.  My little butterfly friend (whom I named Fred) kept following me and wouldn't leave. 

Homeschool Year Completed!!!

 What?!  We made it through our first official year-round school year with 3 full time learners!!!
 Presenting our new 1st grader!
 Our new 2nd grader!
And our sweet little K-4 schooler!

Is it the weekend yet?!

We are all super tired. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Late night Coughs

This sweet guy has been having midnight coughing episodes that have kept us all awake for several nights now.  They doctor basically said it was nothing treatable and has to just go away on it's own.  So, until then he's been crashing in our room. 

Heidi Braids

We just finished watching the old version of Heidi (which we all love!) and the girls insisted on Heidi braids this morning. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Rain Play

 They're playin' in the rain...
 Just playin' in the rain...
 What a glorious feelin'....
 They're happy again...
 They walk down the lane...
 With a happy refrain...
 Just singing and splashin' in the rain....
 Come on with the rain...
 They've a smile on their face...
 Just playin' in...
 The rain.

Half way

We are half way through our 1st week back and it’s been a whirlwind of facts, checklists, narration, a few tears, good books, chores, bible ...